Study: KSM66 improves sleep quality and normalizes cortisol levels


Less worry and better quality of sleep

Stress, anxiety and poor sleep quality affect people regardless of their social and cultural background. KSM66 has been included in several studies showing effects on stress, anxiety, concentration, endurance and sexual function. But this is the first study to compare two different doses of KSM66 against a placebo*.

Participants: 60 men and women aged 18-55 years participated in the 8-week study. Participants received either 2x300 mg KSM66 (normal dose), 2x125 mg KSM66 (low dose) or placebo. The capsules were identical in appearance, smell, weight and taste. All participants experienced a high level of stress at the start of the study.

 The parameters studied were:

- Stress (Perceived Stress Scale (PSS))

- Anxiety (HamiltonAnxiety scale (HAM-A))

- Sleep (Qualityof sleep assessment (Anova))

- Serum cortisol


Upplevd stress: Studien visar att KSM66, både låg dos(250 mg) och normala dos (600 mg) öka kroppens motståndskraft mot stress – men effekten är dosberoende. Skillnaden i effekt mellan placebo och KSM66 var stor – framförallt vid normaldos.Signifikansen p<0,0001 visar på tydlig effekt och att sannolikheten att resultatet skulle bero på en slump är mindre än en på tusen. Motsvarande signifikans för den låga dosen var p<0,05.

Serum Cortisol: The study also showed a very clear effect on the production of the body's stress hormone cortisol. As with perceived stress, both doses showed a modulating effect on cortisol - but the effect of 2 capsules per day was clearly superior - with a 30% reduction in cortisol levels compared to placebo.

Ångest och oro: Även om oro och ångest är ett resultat av stress, är det ett djupare tillstånd vilket förklarar varför den lägre dosen inte gav signifikant effekt. Däremot visade 2 kapslar per dag (normal dos) en tydlig effekt. Även här var signifikansen hög, p<0,0001.

Sleep: Both doses show an improvement in sleep quality compared to placebo. But clearly superior is the normal dose where the improvement was close to 50%.

 Side effects: No side effects were reported in the KSM66 group.

Conclusion: The study confirms that the dietary supplement KSM66 has a clear effect on the body's HPA axis, the system that regulates the body's stress response. The study also shows that the clinically used dose of 600 mg is an effective and well-tolerated dose. It is worth noting that the effect on anxiety and worry is a result of KSM66 increasing the body's resistance to stress.

 *Jaysing Salve, Sucheta Pate, KhokanDebnath, DeepakLangade: Adaptogenic and Anxiolytic Effects of Ashwagandha Root Extract inHealthy Adults: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Clinical Study. 2019 Salve et al. Cureus 11(12): e6466. DOI10.7759/cureus.6466

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