All products are sold by trained staff in Life, Hälsokraft and Hälsokosten and in other health stores.

curaMIN, KSM66, niDRA and triGUT are also available at selected pharmacies. Can also be ordered from Apotea, Bodystore, Gymgrossisten, Svenskt kosttillskott and all online pharmacies.

Under each product there is detailed information about retailers.
The best Ashwagandha in the world!

KSM66 - when you are tired, stressed or just out of balance.

KSM66® is an organic full spectrum extract of Ashwagandha. Naturally absorbable and produced with GREEN CHEMISTRY, an environmentally friendly method that guarantees that KSM66 contains the full natural complex of active substances, both water and fat soluble. Its efficacy has been demonstrated in 22 clinical studies.

Designed for deeper relaxation and therefore better sleep.

niDRA - When sleep is your real problem

KSM66® helps to increase the body's resistance to stress - the basis for regaining energy, calm and emotional balance. Properties that in themselves contribute to good sleep. But Affron® adds another important dimension. Affron helps to create a calm state of mind by helping to normalize the function of nerve cells and calming neurotransmitters. That's why niDRA is now available - when sleep is your real problem.

Award winner, named best joint product

curaMIN - when your joints need help.

Experience and clinical documentation show that 9 out of 10 people experience good effects from curaMIN®. Since its launch in the US in 2010, curaMIN has won 30 different awards, including the best dietary supplement for joint problems. curaMIN contains two unique extracts, BCM95 - the world's most well-documented easily absorbed extract of Turmeric and BosPure - a highly concentrated extract of Boswellia that enhances the effect.

agaDA - the result of 20 years of research

agaDA - Strengthens the body's own natural immune system.

The body's own normally functioning immune system is our best defense - before, during and after an infection. That's why agaDA exists - the result of 20 years of clinical research and 26 published studies. Developed by Swedish researchers and manufactured in Sweden. agaDA is a new type of fast-acting, adaptogenic dietary supplement designed for the normal function of the immune system and airways and the body's recovery. Its effectiveness has been proven in clinical studies involving over 2000 people.

Designed for a balanced gut*

triGUT- The world's most well-documented lactic acid complex.

Well-designed clinical trials are the only way to know if the lactic acid bacteria you eat are really beneficial. That the bacteria survive the passage through the stomach - are stable and establish themselves in the gut. Because - if not, they disappear with the stool without having time to do any good. That's why triGUT® is now available. The world's most well-documented lactic acid complex. Research on the individual lactic acid strains in triGUT has been going on for over 30 years and has resulted in 1200 published studies.